You can count the number of occurrences of each value in a selected column, then place the results in the next two available empty columns, or in any other columns you specify. One destination column lists each unique value, the other lists the frequency of each value.
Step 1
Choose Count Frequency from the Data menu.
Step 2
Select the column of data for which you want to count the frequency of values.
Step 3
Under Put Values In and Put Frequencies In, enter the names of destination columns for the new data.
• If you prefer, accept the defaults and let the application put the results in new columns named Values and Frequency.
Step 4
Under Width, enter a value for the width of the interval.
Step 5
Under First Interval, enter the value at which you want the first interval to begin.
This option is dimmed if you did not specify a width greater than zero, the default width.
Step 6
Click OK to calculate the frequency of data occurrences and display them in the data window.